The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies provides training in the unique specialty "Area Studies of Russia".

It was our faculty that initiated its introduction into the list of university specialties. Students have been enrolling in "Area Studies of Russia" at the faculty since 2000.

Basic principles of teaching
"Area Studies of Russia" at the faculty:
  • 1
    Studying Russia as a single region
    unlike the majority of Russian universities, the region "Russia" is considered as a single whole with its own peculiarities, regularities and mechanisms of development.
  • 2
    Comprehensive interdisciplinary approach
  • 3
    Harmonious combination of theory and practice
    Students are involved in real projects and have the opportunity to practice in the field, gain experience of cooperation with local public authorities.
  • 4
    Russia in the context of world civilizations
    Russia is studied as a part of the global whole, in its interaction with the surrounding world.
  • 5
    The study of Russian-Chinese relations and traditions
  • 6
    Teaching of foreign languages and cultures
    Specialists on the Russian Federation with fluent command of two foreign languages (Russian and English) and knowledge of the basic laws of development of the world community and skills of intercultural communication are prepared.
  • 7
    Creating comfortable conditions for communication between international and Russian students
    project work, business games, cultural events are conducted in combined groups.

Area Studies of Russia is a broad educational program that comprehensively studies all aspects of Russian life, a kind of analogue of Western "Russian Studies".

Area Studies of Russia includes:
  • study of the main stages of historical and cultural development of Russia, analysis of the modern situation in its diversity (culture, politics, international relations, sociology, ethnopsychology);
  • the ability to predict possible ways of Russia's development, i.e. studying its past, present and future.
The main focus is on people, the population of Russia. The human factor is seen as the main thing in the existence of any socio-political or historical-cultural region, including Russia.
The study of the region is conducted not so much through politics and international relations, as in most other universities, but primarily through history, culture and language. This allows to reveal the national peculiarities of the Russia, to determine the originality of everyday life and way of life, to reveal the main factors that influenced its development.
It gives the opportunity to analyze independently specific contemporary situations and forecast the future.
This approach to the study of Area Studies of Russia allows us to put not economics, politics, geography, or public administration at the center, but the people who inhabit the country.

The structure of the study process:

  • Diverse forms of work: the curriculum combines the traditional classical university program with the best achievements of world education. Along with lectures, seminars, practical classes, workshops, trainings and business games are organized.
  • Research work: starting from the 1st year students conduct independent research, write and defend term papers. Students have the opportunity to participate in the scientific life of the faculty, including scientific conferences, seminars and panel discussions.
  • Practical work: students conduct field research in different regions of Russia, political, public, educational, scientific and commercial organizations.
  • Creative work: students have the opportunity to try their hand at international journalism, producing documentaries, creating websites and blogs, working on real international projects.
  • Meeting interesting people: figures of science, culture and education, political and public figures. Students have the opportunity to hear the latest information about the current situation in Russia and the world, ask questions, participate in discussions.
  • Foreign languages: starting from the 1st year, students study two languages (Russian and optional). Students study a variety of aspects - practical grammar, oral skills, written language, business language, language of diplomatic negotiations, language of mass media and diplomatic protocol, as well as a unique course in the World of the target language.
There are two programs available:

1. "Russian History and Culture": a broad general humanitarian program is aimed at training specialists in the field of historical and cultural development of Russia, gives a wide range of knowledge on a variety of issues of Russian history, culture, literature, ethnology, social anthropology; serious pedagogical practice prepares for teaching.

2. "Russia in the Global World": the program examines Russia's current position on the world stage, its place in the historical context of world civilizations, history and prospects for cooperation with friendly regions.


The professional activity of the graduate is based on a comprehensive knowledge of Russia: its population, history and ethnography, economics and politics, science and culture, religion, language and literature, traditions and values.
It is carried out in the form of development of scientifically based practical recommendations in various spheres: public policy, cultural development, international and trade and economic cooperation, education and science, public relations and advertising, information and cultural exchanges, modern bilateral and multilateral communication relations.
In addition, the qualification of an area expert provides for the functions of a referent, expert, consultant in the field, Russian language translator-referent.
Graduates are awarded a Bachelor's/Master's degree
in Area Studies of Russia